Archive | October, 2014

One encounter, one chance

7 Oct

This past weekend, I volunteered for a few shifts for my Cloquet Rotary Club’s annual rose sale days. The first day, I was in the foyer of Cloquet’s L&M Fleet Supply, a hardware and home & farm supply type place.  Like our other fund raising activities, proceeds from the rose sales go toward the various charitable service efforts our club supports, whether sponsoring youth for our RYLA  leadership camp, purchasing backpacks and school supplies for kids from area low income families or supporting polio vaccinations or well digging in other countries. That’s my Rotary plug. It’s great stuff; service above self.

As if being at a large folding table with bouquets of roses displayed wasn’t enough presence, I’d greet people and affirm that they could certainly purchase some roses at a great price. At one point I delivered my message to an older man leaving the store. Continue reading